UK PACT Green Recovery Challenge Fund - call open on 12th August
The UK PACT Green Recovery Challenge Fund - a £12 million capacity-building fund to support low-carbon transitions and a green, resilient economic recovery across ODA-eligible countries has been announced. The first funding round will be launched on 12th August 2020, in which Vietnam is one of eligible partner countries.
On 5 August 2020, at 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM (UK time) there will be a webinar focused on Asian applications. It’s for organisations and individuals that have an interest in the application process for funding to deliver technical assistance projects that will build capacity in the thematic areas outlined below:
- Greening financial systems will support target countries across Asia and Latin America to mainstream climate-related financial risks and opportunities in order to accelerate the low-carbon transition and enable a green recovery.
- Electrifying urban mobility aims to advance more equitable, accessible and cleaner transport systems in target Asian countries, with a focus on electric vehicles
You can sign up via this link.
If you’d like to find out more about the programme generally you can go to: