Call for Papers The 1st Asia – Pacific INFINITI Conference on International Finance
The 1st Asia – Pacific INFINITI Conference on International Finance
University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, 7-8 December 2016
A Trinity College Dublin, Monash University & University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City Event
Go directly to our Online Paper Submission system
Paper Submission Deadline: 15 August 2016
Papers are solicited in all aspects of international finance, but we especially welcome papers that address one of the topics below:
- Alternative Investments & International Financial Integration
- Banking & Financial Services in Integrated Markets
- Behavioral Aspects
- Boards
- Commodities, Precious Metals
- Corporate Governance
- Emerging Markets
- Financial Engineering & Derivatives
- Financial Geography of International Financial Integration
- Financial Management in an International Finance Regime
- Global Risk Markets
- Historical Aspects of International Financial Integration
- Interest & Exchange Rates
- International Asset Pricing
- International Market Comovements, Contagion & Crisis
- International Portfolio Diversification
- Law & regulations
- Macro-economics
- Markets & Exchanges in a Globalised Environment
- Mathematical & Computational aspects of International Finance
- Modellings
- National Culture & International Finance
- Regionalisation and Globalisation in International Finance
- Vietnam Financial Market & Institutions
- Volatility Determination & Transmission
- Other related topics
Only online submissions will be considered, and the paper submission deadline is 31 July 2016.
No more than 3 submissions are permitted with any author, and any one author can present no more than 2 papers at the Conference. Acceptance of a paper automatically allows the Conference Programme Committee to allocate you or an attending co-author as a Discussant on another paper.
Guidelines for submitted papers
All papers submitted should undergo the double blind peer review process and therefore should conform to the following rules:
- No author details.
- No longer than 30 pages (not including references and appendices).
- Concise and clear abstract, no more than 100-150 words.
- Paper format: 12 font (preferably Times New Roman), double spaced, with one inch margins.
- For all other guidelines, please refer to Elsevier’s Guide for Authors.
Special journal issues
- Emerging Market Review
- Finance Research Letters
- International Review of Financial Analysis
- Journal of Banking and Finance
- Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money
- Journal of Multinational Financial Management
- Research in International Business and Finance