International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets SBM-ITB
Greetings from ICMEM 2020 committee! We hope this email finds you well.
It is our great pleasure to announce that a Fee Waiver (in full) is applied for authors (scholars, students, others) affiliated with members or member universities of the SALT Network as an official partner of ICMEM 2020. This decision comes after three (3) rounds of paper submission and our interest in increasing the international element of the conference. In short, we are very delighted to receive paper submissions in ICMEM 2020 from members / member universities of the SALT Network (without any fee applied).
Papers submitted to ICMEM 2020 are in the form of an extended abstract (5 pages of 3000-5000 words), using one of the attached templates (research-empirical, research-theoretical, or case). All papers accepted will be published in e-proceedings. Authors can also indicate the journal to which their papers would wish to be considered for reviews by the journal (see below for the list of our journal partners). Selected papers will be invited to attend a paper development workshop hosted by our journal partner(s) for direct guidelines by the journal editor / representative during the conference. Research-based master's & doctoral students are encouraged to submit their paper to the International Graduates Colloquium(IGC) as an integral part of ICMEM 2020 - please see the poster attached.
As part of the Fee Waiver program, we would also like to ask authors (affiliated with member universities / members of the SALT Network) to serve as one of the Session Chairs in the conference's parallel / presentation sessions (more information about this will be provided, e.g. the number of sessions etc.). All accepted papers will be allocated a presentation slot in a parallel / presentation session. As a reminder, ICMEM 2020 will run as a virtual conference (August 3-5, 2020). More information on this is coming up.
Due to the internal process we have to maintain, we expect that all papers be submitted by June 30, 2020, by first creating an account / logging in to our website. If you have any questions (including about the date), please let us know by email ( or WhatsApp (+6281283013767). Please find below some information about the Speakers, Journal Partners / Publication Opportunity, and Fees. Some of the (key) speech abstracts are available on our website ( for your information.
We really appreciate your consideration and contribution to and support for ICMEM 2020.
Thank you, stay safe and healthy!
ICMEM 2020 Committee
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SPEAKERS (all confirmed)
Monday (August 3) - Sustainable Human Capital: Developing and Preserving People for Sustainable Tomorrow
- Tri Mumpuni (Social Entrepreneur, Director of Institut Bisnis dan Ekonomi Kerakyatan - IBEKA)
- Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann (Head of MSc Business Information Systems; FHNW, Switzerland)
Tuesday (August 4) - Ecosystem for Sustainable Development: Dealing with Collaboration Challenges and Opportunities
- Prof. Dr. Hazel Grünewald (Reutlingen University, Germany; Organizational Behavior, Intercultural Management)
- Donna Murdijanto Priadi, MBA (GE Indonesia, Director of Government & Corporate Affairs)
- Prof. Dr. Rolf Schaeren (Swiss-ASEAN Learning & Teaching, Chairman; FHNW, Switzerland)
Wednesday (August 5) - Critical Business Ethics: Connecting Human and Environmental Concerns to Business Practices
- Prof. Wayne Eastman, J.D (Rutgers University, USA; Business Ethics and Law, Supply Chain Management)
- Melia Famiola, PhD (SBM ITB; Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Business)
- Dr. M. Rahman Roestan, MBA (Biofarma, Director of Operation - Former CEO)
- AJTM - Asian Journal of Technology Management (Accredited by RISTEKDIKTI / nationally accredited)
- JBSD - Journal of Business and Social Development (Malaysian Citation Index)
- MANTEK - Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi (Accredited by RISTEKDIKTI / nationally accredited)
- JISORA - Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Politik dan Humaniora (Indonesian Publication Index); recommended for undergraduate papers
- JSSM - Journal of Sustainability Science and Management (SCOPUS-Q4)
- UMTJUR - UMT Journal of Undergraduate Research (Malaysian Citation Index); recommended for undergraduate papers
- IJSSM - International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management (Listed in Excellence in Research for Australia)
ICMEM 2020's institutional partners
1. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
2. University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
3. Swiss-ASEAN Learning and Teaching
Organizing Committee
The 5th International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets (ICMEM) 2020
School of Business and Management
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung, Indonesia
01. ICMEM Research Paper Template (Empirical)